Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Halfway there!

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a little while, but I have some great news! I've lost 20 pounds! I'm officially at the halfway point. So now it's time to reward myself for making it to my goal. I'm going to be buying myself a nice new pair of tennis shoes. I have two pairs of sneakers at the moment - one is a cheapie pair I bought two years ago that is falling apart, and the other pair is a hand-me-down from my mom because she didn't like the way they fit (I also don't like how they fit, but hey, free Nikes!). At any rate, I'm going to spend some good money on some good shoes that will hopefully last a little while.

As far as the next half of my weight loss journey is concerned, my goal is to knock out another 20 pounds, but I'll be happy if it's somewhere between 10 and 20. Basically, I'm going to continue counting my calories. Once I have my new shoes, I'll start going for walks as well. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, and when I reach stasis, then that's where I'll settle. Counting calories is pretty easy, so I don't mind making it a permanent addition to my life. I might start doing some more exercise besides the occasional walking, but for now I'm not sure.

So that's where I am, and it's a pretty exciting place to be. Catch you later!