Saturday, March 27, 2010

One More Day

One more day to go, and I'll have completed the first week of the trek to a healthier me. Yay! That in and of itself is an accomplishment. Usually I only get to day three or so before I get frustrated and quit. I've read that it takes 21 days to establish a habit, so that means I have only two more weeks to go before this truly becomes my new modus operandi.

Tomorrow is reward day. After I finish my exercises, I get to walk down to the local convenience store and get myself a 20 oz. soda. Is it sad that I'm looking forward to that so much? Maybe so, but it's a good thing. I can't really call it a reward if it wasn't something I enjoy a whole lot.

Monday morning I'll post an update on my weight and measurements. I hopped on the scale only twice this week: once to get my starting weight, and once again because I was dying of curiosity. I'm purposefully avoiding the scale as much as possible,  because I tend to become obsessive about it otherwise. I also will get discouraged if things aren't happening fast enough, even though I know slow and steady is actually better for you when it comes to healthy weight loss. My goal is to only weigh myself at the beginning of each week. Didn't do so hot on that this week :), but it was only once, so that's not too bad. As long as I'm not checking myself morning, noon, and night (which I have done in the past, I'm ashamed to admit), I'll be alright.

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