Monday, June 7, 2010

"Week 7" Results

Starting point measurements:

Weight: 168 pounds
Waist measurement: 35 inches
Hip measurement: 44 inches
Thigh measurement: 26 inches

Last week's measurements:
Weight: 157.8 pounds
Waist measurement: 31.75 inches
Hip measurement: 42 inches
Thigh measurement: 24.25 inches
This week's measurments:
Weight: 157.2 pounds
Waist measurement: 31.5 inches
Hip measurement: 41.5 inches
Thigh measurement: 24 inches

Week 7 is in quotations because this is week is not the seventh successive week since I began my journey. However, I got back on track last week, so I'll be continuing to count from there. As you can see, I'm continuing to whittle down my weight a little at a time. I'm thrilled that I've been able to do it on my own without resorting to starving myself or fad diets.

In other news, I want to give a more in-depth review of the Sketchers Shape-Ups I bought. I've been using them for about three weeks now, and I think I'm starting to notice a difference. My calves seem more toned, and although I don't see a noticeable difference yet, I swear my thighs are also more toned. Even my butt seems a tiny bit rounder. That's encouraging, since I generally only wear them for my daily walk to the post office. I also notice when I walk in them that I seem to get my heart rate up more than I would just walking in regular shoes. Like I said before, they're the most comfy shoes I've ever owned, so I'm happy with my purchase.

Well, that's all I have time for now. I'll try to check in a little later.

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