Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone! I wanted to go out to a Mexican restaurant today, since I love Mexican food, and today is as good a day as any to go. However, I know how high in calories the Mexican food I like to eat can be, what with the guacamole and the refried beans and the sour cream and cheese and all. Plus, I always like to have a giant glass of Pepsi with my meal, so yeah... I decided not to sabotage myself this early in the game. Instead, I am making some tasty, lean carne asada with black beans and rice and having some whole grain tortilla chips and salsa. I will also be having soda, but it will only be an eight ounce serving. I expect it to be every bit as tasty as going out would have been, only without all the calories.

I'd also like to post a little update. I found a measuring tape and took some measurements on Monday, and I'm happy to say that as of today I've already lost an inch on my waist. My rings aren't as tight as they were before either, but I'm guessing that's because I'm not retaining water the way I was last week. My hands always puff up when I'm retaining water. Either way, I'm happy that I'm making progress, and I'm motivated to keep going.

Yesterday, I bought some multivitamins along with some healthy foods to keep me in check and satisfied. I had a delicious grilled chicken salad for lunch, and today for breakfast I had a whole grain bagel with some turkey bacon. YUM!

Well, that's all for now. Have a happy Cinco de Mayo!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day two

I made the decison over the weekend that Monday I would begin counting my calories again. Today is day two, and it has been a success. My only complaint would be that I seem to be having caffeine withdrawals, because I've been getting nagging headaches since yesterday. It's unusual, because I've quit caffeine before with no ill effects whatsoever. Maybe I'm just getting old or something.

I have to go to the grocery store soon; Mom doesn't have much I want to eat that's in keeping with my diet. I also need to purchase some healthy foods for my little one, since she's been eating pb&j and chicken nuggets way too often lately. She's somewhat of a picky eater, so I'm hoping if I set a good example, she will follow in my footsteps and try some fruit and veggies.

I haven't been able to convince myself to exercise just yet, but I'm not too worried about that. I figure I'll give myself a week or so to settle into the new eating routine before I take on another healthy habit. Hopefully we'll be moved in to our new space soon, and I can start my routine there.

Well, not to much else to report for now. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make the changes stick!