Thursday, March 25, 2010

One Last Post Before Bed

Today was a difficult day for me. I posted earlier about my midday hunger - well, I came really close to going over my calories for the day. The more I think about it, the surer I am that my hunger, today at least, was caused by frustration. It was one of those off-kilter days. My husband came home from work this morning (he's working night shift this week) at ten 'til 7 and jarred me out of sleep. Even though I had plans on getting up at 7, this rude awakening left me groggy and grumpy. He then proceeds to the office upstairs, even though he knew the creaky floors would more than likely wake up the baby. Sure enough, as soon as he walks by, she wakes up. Not that he's concerned with that, since he's not the one who takes care of her. Unfortunately, this caused me to miss my morning mommy time, which is when I was planning on doing my exercises. Instead, I had to put off my exercises until the baby's nap time, which caused me not to get as much housework done, and also prevented me from taking a short nap. I didn't need the nap per se, but it would have been nice. I'm not going to ramble on, but suffice to say the rest of the day followed suit. Now here I am, tired but unable to sleep, bored out of my ever-loving mind, and trying my best not to get up and get an ice cream sandwich or some chips to make me feel better. I give up. I'm going to go try to get some sleep.

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