Monday, March 29, 2010


I really didn't want to, but somehow I got up the gumption to exercise today. I managed to get myself dressed and go for a walk, which woke me up enough to get the rest done. Rainy, dreary Mondays are not the best for motivation, let me tell you.

Anyway, I'm excited because tonight I'm making homemade pizza. Pizza's not something that's typically on the menu when you're watching your weight, but I'm making mine with low fat cheese and turkey pepperonis and serving it up with a side of salad, so it'll be tasty and good for me! I was telling my husband last night that I'm really thinking of doing homemade pizza night once a month. I think our daughter will really enjoy it when she gets older and can help me in the kitchen, plus it's cheaper and healthier than delivery.

Yesterday while I was exercising, I came up with an idea I'm going to see about making a new habit. Everyday, I think I should try to come up with something positive that I like about my body. This will help me focus on my positive attributes on the days when I'm not feeling good about myself. My first positive attribute I'd like to list is I have nice looking feet. They look slender and smooth, and are really pretty when my toenails are painted. So that's one thing. We'll see where this list takes me.

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