Monday, November 22, 2010


So it's been forever since I've posted anything. Life has been kinda nuts, so the blog hasn't been my top priority. Here's where I am right now - a dead standstill. I had gotten down to 154 pounds, but now I'm hovering between 157 and 158. I added 30 minutes of daily exercise to the mix back in September, but to no avail. Since then, my diet has gone right out the window due to my hectic lifestyle. I'm still managing to maintain my weight, but with the plateau I hit and now the crappy diet, I've been feeling pretty icky. I gotta do something. I can try to improve my diet, but that might be difficult seeing how I'm living with family for the time being, and the holidays are just around the corner. I suppose I'm just going to have to muster up all the self control I can manage. I don't know. I'll figure it all out. I want to lose this weight. I have to.

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