Monday, October 24, 2011


I thought I'd share this picture with you, because it reminds me a lot of my weight loss struggles so far. I had a minor setback this week. My friend from high school called us up this past Saturday to tell us that his grandmother had died. She had been pretty ill for a few years, and had finally had enough of fighting. I spent quite a bit of time back in my high school days hanging out with him at her house, so it only felt right that I should go to the funeral. I was gone from Sunday evening until Tuesday night, and didn't have a single minute to spare for my exercises. I also had to do a lot of eating on the run, which led to some poor choices on my part. I was able to eat a little more reasonably from Wednesday to Sunday, but I didn't get to exercise then either because I was busy playing catch up from having been gone for three days. I could have done better if I had tried, I suppose, but what's done is done now, so I am picking up where I left off and going from there. I will report next week on my progress if there is any, so you can see how I'm doing.

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