Thursday, December 29, 2011

In a Good Mood

I'm feeling phenomenal. Remember all that soul-searching I was talking about in my last post? Well, I have decided something important: I LIKE ME. I really do. I'm pretty awesome, actually. But if I'm completely honest with myself, I'd still like to lose a couple of pounds. AND, I have a motivator to keep  me on task - I have a wedding to attend at the end of March. I'd like to look extra fabulous for this occasion, so I have work to do. However, there will be no more of this yoga/pilates funny business. I'm a pretty traditional girl, so it'll be traditional workouts all the way. Push-ups and that sort of stuff. I tried it out today and boy did it get my adrenaline pumping, so I'm pretty psyched. I'm also gonna attempt to get enough sleep (geez, look at the time, I guess I'll start that tomorrow night), and drink more water. You watch me look smokin' for this wedding! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

MrsSimGirl said...

Good Luck!

Sometimes you just gotta go back to the basics. Great idea.