Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It's March

So I weighed myself a couple of days ago, and I was 169.8. Yay, I'm back in the 160's. Barely, of course, but still. I haven't weighed this little in at least a year.

It's starting to warm up and get sunny around here, so my little one and I have been going on "adventures" around the neighborhood. That's what she calls them anyway. I just call them walks with lots of breaks, because my little one likes to take the binoculars and stop and look at everything along the way. Still we're outside in the fresh air, and we're moving, so that's what matters.

Yesterday I lost a little in the battle for my willpower. I binged on Frosted Mini-Wheats, of all things. I have to say, while I don't feel guilty, I definitely wasn't left satisfied after indulging my craving. Makes me think I'd have been better off just sticking to the appropriate serving size after all.

Today has been a very weird day. After fighting off hunger almost constantly for the past two weeks, suddenly I'm not hungry at all. I actually had to force myself to eat lunch, because I still felt full from a breakfast I'd had five hours before. I don't know if it's just a fluke or what. Maybe it was the binge I had yesterday that reminded me that food isn't the end-all, be-all. It's just more evidence that I'm making this all up as I go. Whatever. I'll keep on fighting the good fight, and I'll see you around!

1 comment:

MrsSimGirl said...

I know how you feel about going from unsatisfied all the time, to suddenly full all the time! I don't like doing that lol

Congrats on being in the 160s! WTG hon. I love that she calls them adventures, how cute! It's awesome that you're getting out and about. Our weather won't stay the same for more than 3 days here.