Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back in the Saddle

My last post was in February. Well to make a long story short - I struggled with my diet, I quit my diet, I started again - wash, rinse, repeat. Then about five weeks ago, I decided enough was enough, and since I have stuck to my diet and lost four pounds.

Now, I'm not exercising although I should be. However, I decided to take it slow. I'll probably start exercising in a couple of months, once I'm set in my diet routine. One thing at a time. Right now, I'm still struggling with my soda cravings. I have a twenty-ounce soda on Sundays as a reward for sticking to my calorie budget, but there are days when I REALLY want one anyway. I'll be honest, some days I give in; I count it into my daily budget and go from there. Sometimes I manage to distract myself until the craving goes away. I consider that a small triumph. When I master that, I'll see about moving on and adding exercise. I know exercise would help me lose more weight faster, but right now I'm happy with the progress I've made.

This week's numbers are:
Weight: 166
Waist: 32.75
Hips: 43

Since I didn't report it then, my starting point five weeks ago was:
Weight: 170.4
Waist: 35
Hips: 44

I've decided that I will post here once a week, either on Monday or Tuesday, to report my progress and discuss anything of significance on my weight loss journey. I think posting any more than that will just get boring for you guys. So anyway, that's the story so far. See you all next week!

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