Monday, July 9, 2012


This week looks much the same as last week:

Weight: 166.2
Waist: 32 and 5/8 inches
Hips: 43 inches

Slightly smaller waist. Very slightly. Last week we had Independence Day, so I made lots of tasty treats. I splurged a little over the holiday, but alas, that is life. Once in a while won't hurt; it's just when the once in a while turns into every day that things get out of hand.

I'm still not exercising, although it crossed my mind that some crunches and push-ups might do the trick for me. It really is too hot for all that right now though. I suppose the up side to this heat wave is that I have no problem staying within my calorie budget, because I don't care to eat when it's hot. It makes me feel all gross. I've noticed that animals don't eat too much when it's hot either, so it must be nature at work. ::Shrug::

Well, shoot. I was going to say something else, but my husband just called, and I've lost my train of thought. Oh well. You guys enjoy your week. Keep fighting the good fight, and I'll see you back here on Monday or Tuesday.

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